It is absolutely possible to achieve your fitness goal it doesn't matter whether it is weight loss, weight gain or building impressive muscles without machines and equipment But still, you need some gym equipment at home which may help you achieve your fitness goals. Make sure that are not expensive and work on multiple muscles at a time there are many ways to stay active and enjoy the home workout all you need to have is consistency, strict schedule and patience remember no gym membership is necessary. Make a good routine for home workout ie. you can do tricep dips, mountain climbers, lunges, bodyweight squats as you progress in your workout, you can increase the number of reps you can also raise the number of sets and reduce the rest time. It can be just as effective as a gym workout.
Try this and enjoy the excellent quality of life. 😊
If you are a beginner
Whenever you start something new you are a beginner. If you can't even lift your own body weight then what has to do with weights in the gym? Waste of time and money isn't it?
So it is better to start with your own bodyweight first make a plan that will help you to slow and steady progress. Home workouts are an excellent source to get in shape and to be healthy. Get a pair of dumbbells for basic stuff.
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